3–4 p.m | Check-in |
4:30 p.m | Adult meeting |
5:30 p.m | Dinner gathering |
6:30 p.m | Kick-off program Meet your crew and get project assignments |
8:00 p.m | Evening Program Youth group devotions |
11 p.m | Lights-out |
6:30 a.m | Breakfast crew begins |
6:45 a.m | Wake-up call |
7–7:45 a.m | Breakfast and pack lunches |
8:00 a.m | Morning Program |
8:45–3 p.m | Serve at project sites Lunch and crew devotions |
3:30 p.m | Return to lodging facility Camp store is open |
5 p.m | Dinner crew begins |
5:30 p.m | Dinner gathering |
6:30 p.m | Hospitality tasks |
6:30 p.m | Drama team practice |
7:00 p.m. | Worship team practice |
8:00 p.m | Evening Program Youth group devotions |
10:30 p.m | Bedtime stories (optional) |
11 p.m | Lights-out |
6:30 a.m.–3 p.m | Same as Monday |
3:30 p.m. | Check-in at lodging facility Free time: dinner and devotions on your own |
8:00 p.m | Lodging facility back open |
8:30 p.m | Movie night (optional) |
10:30 p.m | Bedtime stories (optional) |
11 p.m | Lights-out |
6:30 a.m.–11 p.m | Same as Monday |
6:30 a.m | Breakfast crew begins |
6:45 a.m | Wake-up call |
7–7:45 a.m | Breakfast and pack lunches |
8:00 a.m | Morning Program |
8:45–3 p.m | Serve at project sites Lunch and crew devotions |
3:30 p.m | Return to lodging facility Camp store is open |
5 p.m | Dinner crew begins |
5:30 p.m | Dinner gathering |
6:30 p.m | Hospitality tasks |
6:30 p.m | Drama team practice |
7:00 p.m. | Worship team practice |
8:00 p.m | Evening Program Youth group devotions |
9:30 p.m | Lip-Sync battle |
11 p.m | Lights-out |
7–8 a.m | Breakfast |
7–9 a.m. | Room check-out Groups depart |
- Shower locations and times will be communicated at camp. There will be separate shower times designated for those that are 17 and younger from those 18 and older.
- Breakfast and dinner crews/hospitality tasks: Participants have the opportunity to serve other campers by helping prepare meals and clean the facility.