Adults are one of the most important ingredients in a successful mission trip, and this meeting is designed to train and equip your adults to be the amazing leaders that every teenager needs. During the meeting, you’ll help everyone feel prepared and communicate important details and principles that every adult needs to understand and commit to. Every adult participant should attend this meeting!



Say: I want to start by saying a big “Thank You!” for being a part of this summer’s mission trip. Our teenagers couldn’t experience a trip like this without you. I want you to know something-this is bigger than you, or me, or our church, or even the people that we’ll serve. When God brings together all the people, parts, and plans of our Group Mission Trip, our youth grow closer to Jesus, and lives are changed. That’s what it’s all about, and that’s what you’re a part of. So thanks again!

Our time today will help prepare us to be the kind of leaders that can help our kids grow closer to Jesus. The trip’s program theme this year is Influencer. Believe it or not we are all influencers and this week you will have the opportunity to influence the lives of your youth. We hope that this week will provide you opportunities to help your youth get to know Jesus. This week we will be exploring what it means to be an influencer through the lens of Romans 12:2 while learning about several remarkable influencers in the Bible. This week we will all be challenged to examine the current patterns in our lives and how we may be conforming to society rather than walking with Jesus. From there we will learn about the ways Jesus transforms and renews us so that we can live according to his will. In the end, we will be more aware of our impact on others and be positioned to return home ready to spread Jesus’ love.

We’re going to go over three very important ideas that will help us have a great attitude and give an example of great behavior while on our mission trip.

First, let’s watch this Adult Expectations video. (After watching the video, see if there are any questions/comments. Next review these few additional reminders to ensure the best experience for your adults.)


Say: The first idea we’ll discuss is “Breathe.” The idea of breathing is to know your personal limits and find ways to recharge so we can all be great adults for our teens. It may sound weird to talk about this topic before the trip–before you’re tired, stressed, overwhelmed, stretched, etc.–but let’s take the time now to think about how to take care of ourselves during the trip. 

Let’s be honest, mission trips are tiring. We will be serving long days, working hard on our projects, dealing with youth and issues, other adults, and we’ll be getting less sleep than we are used to. It’s exhausting! We will need to think ahead and take advantage of every opportunity to take care of ourselves. Each of us will need to look for opportunities to grab downtime when we can. Let’s brainstorm ideas of how and when we can find downtime. (Use the board to gather ideas from everyone.) 

Say: We need to communicate! Be honest if you need a break or a nap or just a quick run to get coffee. Our teenagers– and the other youth on the mission trip–will know if we are worn out, tired, and grumpy. When you have a chance to take a break, take it. 






Pass out any copies you made:


Let everyone know how your group is handling background checks. Anyone that is 18 or older will need a national background check run on them–the check cannot be older than 2 years from the start of the trip.


If you have extra adults above the 1 to 5 adult ratio, they are welcome to serve as participants or apply to be on staff during the camp. Tell anyone interested to go to and click on About Us and then Join our Team for more information and to apply.


Pray something like: God, thank you for these adults who are committing their time to you and to the kids in our youth group. God bless each one of us as we strive to lead the youth of our church on our mission trip this summer. Give us the ability to Breathe, Understand and Relax this summer. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you on our mission trip. In Jesus’ name. Amen.