Have this meeting as soon as possible and invite all interested participants!


Make sure all your participants meet the age requirements to attend!

Login to your customer account to help field any questions. Make note of what your camp location has requested for their community gift (under the Schedule, Menu, and Packing option in Helpful Resources). Print out any posters, parent letters, or fundraising ideas from the Helpful Resources tab.

Create a simple handout for participants, parents, and adults that provides the dates (including travel), location, and any other important details. Distribute these at your meeting and consider sending them by email as well!

Plan to show the Group Workcamps Promo Video or the Youth Expectations Video  (both under Helpful Resources) from your customer account. Make sure everything is working well.


Say: Welcome to our Mission Trip meeting! We are heading to (your mission trip location) this summer during (your dates). This trip will create long-lasting memories –it’s an adventure there we’ll meet people who are in need and we’ll be able to make a real difference in their lives. On top of that, we’ll make friendship connections with people from all over the country, deepen our connection with Jesus, and have an awesome time together! It’s a big deal, so let’s watch this video to get a visual. (Play the Group Workcamps promo video or the Youth Expectation Video).

(Another way to build excitement is to invite a couple of kids, or adults, who have been on a Group Mission Trip before to share about their experience.)

Say: This mission trip is not only fun, it’s a way for you to get your friends involved in our group, and in service as well. Grab one of the fliers about our trip and personally invite them to join you!

Introductions and Itinerary

Say: We want to be sure that everyone knows what’s happening for our mission trip, so let’s go through some of the important details:

Say: That’s a lot of stuff! Make sure you have the important dates in your calendars – and get excited! One more thing – the daily programs are set up for you to participate in a lot of ways:

Say: That’s all the information I have for you today! What questions do you have? (Use the FAQs in your customer account to help you field any questions.)

Tell them when you’ll meet again as a team and close in prayer.